Joao Félix en el Cívitas Metropolitano


Barça's plan to be able to count on Joao Félix next season

Published:18/03/2024 - 16:38h

Updated:18/03/2024 - 21:17h

FC Barcelona maintains its intention to 'keep' Joao Félix for one more season, but Atlético de Madrid is only considering selling him. The culés will 'press' to get a new loan

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joao Félix went back to do cost the law of the ex in his return to the Cívitas Metropolitan, in the middle of pitidos incessant of some fans that does not save good memories of his performance since it landed in the club, in 2019. The Portuguese opened the marker in the goleada of the FC Barcelona in front of the Athletic of Madrid (0-3) and 'avenged' of the team to the that still belongs him his index card. The relation between both parts is more broken that never and seems impossible that can return when it culminate his cession in the City Condal.

The Barcelona, as it comes informing in the last days, will insist to extend the stay of the player of 24 years by a season more. Although it has not achieved to keep the regularity and that largely of the parties happens 'careless', the directive of the Barça bets by his continuity, because they consider him a 'talent' impossible to find in the current market. The big problem is an Athletic of Madrid that is not by the work to give to Joao.

Barça and Athletic do not coincide in the economic factor

And it is that it is not a lower factor the fact that they paid 127 million euros in 2019 to do with his services and do not want to lose, completely, the investment. The rojiblancos bet by his definite sale -knowingly of the interest that generates in Saudi Arabia- and 'raisin' of the proposal of the culés, that only pose a cession by a year more with an option of purchase that was not compulsory. The disagreement is absolute between both parts and does not foresee that they arrive to an agreement before it finish the season.

Whereas the Barça would not be had to offer more than 20 'kilos' in the clause -no compulsory-, for the Athletic is fundamental that said option of purchase was forced and do not go down of the €50m. There will be 'war', but the Barcelona have big options to win the battle: Because the player wants to remain in the City Condal and could benefit of the 'need' of the Madrilenian club, especially if they do not classify to the Champions League of the next season.

The Barça has clear his leaf of route

The ones of the 'Cholo' Simeone find in the fifth square of LaLiga to fault of ten parties so that it finish the season. The Athletic Club has advanced him and would have to go back to the positive dynamics (that they have not had in this last stretch of the course) to recover, at least, the fourth square. In case that they are not the League of Champions in the 2024/2025, could see forced to look for income of way 'desperate' and, in this case, will be more opened to negotiate a 'gone down' of price in the clause.

Likewise, in the Athletic of Madrid are conscious that the wage of Joao Félix, recortado in this season, will be inasumible in case that it go back to the Cívitas Metropolitan. It surpassed the 16 million euros in the last course and no 'correspond' to the performance that came exerting, by what the most likely is that they look for to give him exit. With the pressure of the player and his surroundings to remain in Barcelona, can be the 'bullet' that force to the rojiblancos to adapt to the conditions of negotiation of the Barça.

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