Arthur, during a party with the Guild


The president of the Guild puts price to the signing of Arthur

Published:3/12/2017 - 12:01h

Updated:3/12/2017 - 12:01h

The FC Barcelona was spying the progresses of Arthur for recolectar reports of face to his possible signing. After the controversial photographies of the player with the Barcelona T-shirt, the president of the Guild desveló his price

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After the controversy that armed this Saturday by the leak of two photographies of Arthur, player of the Guild of Carry Cheerful that follows the FC Barcelona, with the T-shirt of the Barça, in one of them appearing with Robert Fernández, technical secretary of the Barça, Romildo Bolzan, the president of the Brazilian entity spoke in RAC1 and left clear his posture.

Romildo Bolzan Recognised that in any moment spoke with Robert Fernández and that not even knows him. "I do not know to Robert Fernández, have not seen it never. If it has been in I Carry Cheerful has done it of form totally sigilosa, has not spoken never with us", recognised.

The maximum mandator of the Brazilian club recognised the unrest that has generated in the entity by the publication of the photographies. "The Guild is not comfortable with this situation. It communicated us that Arthur would eat with some representatives of the Barcelona, and the meeting was authorised only to know to his family, at all more", commented.

Romildo Bolzan, showed hard to the hour to speak of a possible exit of the star of the Guild course to another team. "Arthur has agreement with the Guild and a clause of rescission of 50 million euros. If it does effective, can not do at all, but there is not any negotiation neither any conversation", sentenced.

The Barça spied to Arthur

The FC Barcelona was recolectando reports on Arthur during the last weeks. The Barcelona club has clear that it wants to reinforce the demarcation of creative midfield player and the young Brazilian player is of the like of the technical area and fulfils the profile of what looks for .