Another summer that begins and another summer in which the FC Barcelona confronts to the challenge to take out profit by his descartes, and in this occasion with more need that never by his will to square balances after several millionaire investments. In the dispatches of the Camp Nou already there are some cases that are complicating more than what would owe, but there is one of them that would have resolved by the fast road.

The informations arrive directly of the president of the Nice, Jean-Pierre Rivère, that would have revealed the future of Marlon Santos during an interview conceded to the emisora of radio 'France Bleu Azur'. The central Brazilian arrived to Tie it 1 with a planned loan for two seasons, but to the term of the first could change of airs.

According to the leader, the carioca will have to leave the Allianz Riviera because there is an offer of 20 million euros that the Barcelona pretend to accept, what would put end to his cession and to the option of purchase that also had the Frenchmen by 25 'kilos'. Like the maximum mandator of the group rojinegro has signalled his course, everything aims to that finally the agreement will finish with his landing in the Premier League.

In the last weeks, the teams that have showed more interest have been Leicester City and West Ham, by what no descarta that it have been one of the two the one who have given the go through the defender. In the next days expects confirmation of the news, and the Catalans, or the club interested, could do it official.

Marlon, a good sale for the Barça

Shortly after doing effective his incorporation by near of 6 million euros, the Barça will plant to Marlon by 20, what will suppose a promising start in a complicated operation gone out. In this in particular, everything has put of face for the culés, but there are others that will require of some efforts to finish the market estival without a broken usual in the box.

Subjects like the one of Rafinha Alcántara are complicating too much, by not speaking of the difficulties that there is with Gerard Deulofeu or Munir the Haddadi by agreements that finalise in a year. With it Burn Turan leading the complications, will touch to arm of patience to go out airosos of the summer, that in the last years has not left good feelings in the City Condal.