Neymar In a party with Paris Saint-Germain


The PSG no descartaría the option to remain with Neymar

Published:20/06/2019 - 14:48h

Updated:20/06/2019 - 14:48h

The machinery already has begun to move for oficializar the divorce between the PSG and Neymar, although there is an exit in which they could finish together. As it already warned Nasser To the-Khelaïfi, if the crack shows his commitment, the door to his course will be closed

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the last years always has been news, but the market of signings of the summer 2019 seems key for the future of Neymar. The PSG gave a touch of attention to his stars and aimed directly to the of Sao Paulo, to the that asked a greater commitment on the terrain of game because from now have finish the privileges in the Park of the Princes. The only that explains is the football.

They are not few those that understood with the speech of Nasser To the-Khelaïfi that the Brazilian is on sale, something that, obviously, can not say of alive voice. The sheik knows that make public the problems of the crack would be to give foot to a devaluation incontrolable, something that if finally it decides to listen offers can not allow.

But others indicate that the forward is not sentenced neither much less, and that this threat looks for a sportive reaction. The plan is risky knowing the volatility of his surroundings and the long list of beaux that handles, but as it warned the president, "if it believes in the project and gives all the guarantees of implication there will be any problem".

To the leader touched him manoeuvre in a stage that has complicated also by the side of Kylian Mbappé, that definitely has been chosen like next leader in the Parisian staff. His message for the Frenchman was much more conciliatory, and the answer to his ambitious requests was positive. If it is necessary to choose, the one of Bondy knows that it will be the indisputable bet in the Park of the Princes.

But the PSG does not renounce to be followed having the two, with spirits renewed and a greater implication, what could give step to a performance futbolístico that up to now desconoce. The sky of Paris is full of stars, but the club has demanded that they shine of once on the lawn, that is to end of accounts where decide the titles.

Barça and Real Madrid already move by Neymar

In spite of that of face to the public, Neymar is not in the market, his beaux already move in the shadow, for tantear if the Brazilian is a viable alternative. The investment in his signing would be capital and his wage also is necessary to take it into account, but the assessments, meetings and contacts already have begun and could have consequences in the next months.