Marco Verratti, during a party with the selection of Italy


The reasons by which the Barça still does not have fichado to Verratti

Published:17/07/2017 - 20:46h

Updated:17/07/2017 - 21:48h

The FC Barcelona still has not achieved to close the signing of Marco Verratti, and not even seat to negotiate with the PSG. The technical secretary of the Barça, Robert Fernández, excusó in the big difficulty that supposes fichar to a star so settled

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it is natural, the media displaced to the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper did not want to desaprovechar the opportunity to ask to the technical secretary of the FC Barcelona, Robert Fernández, on the possibility of fichar to Marco Verratti and the contracting, in general lines, of a midfield player-star that can relieve little by little the figure of Andrés Iniesta in the medullary.

Without wanting to give names, Robert Fernández recognised the big difficulty that has the Barcelona to close some signings of campanillas. "The players that have agreement in force are complicated and difficult situations. The Barcelona has the obligation to be attentive to the market and control the best that there is", commented when they have asked after him Verratti.

"The Barcelona has the obligation to be attentive to the market and control what there is"

"Logically, if they are good players the Barcelona dede be slope of them, but there is long by in front", valued also the high control of the Barcelona technical office, insisting in that the Barça has time and does not have to fall in the precipitation.

"Have long by in front. I do not want to be weighed, if we precipitate us do not go to ningun place. If the option likes us, will be slopes. But have a glorious team that comports that any player that want to fichar have to be an important footballer, and these are used to to have agreement in force and are used to to be in good teams", argued.

The signing of Verratti is not impossible for the Barça

The Barça will follow trying improve the staff. "Our intention is not to lose players, but improve the staff. We want that they are here and if have the opportunity to improve it, will do it", sentenced, without speaking clear on the signing of Marco Verratti, but yes leaving glimpse that the Barcelona will struggle to the end by the Italian midfield player.

For the moment, it has surprised in the last hours that Verratti have not trained with Paris Saint-Germain, of the same way that caused a big stir the words of the agent of the player, Donato Gave Campli, does some weeks. The signing of Verratti by the Barça is not impossible.