The renewal of the agreement of loan of Joãor Félix with the FC Barcelona promises to be one of the big subjects of the summer in the City Condal. In principle, everything seems to indicate that so much Hansi Flick like the club do not see with bad eyes have the luso for the next campaign, since it is a player of first level that, when it is in shape, can become 'top'. Nevertheless, to carry out this union again, still is necessary to face a negotiation with the Athletic of Madrid, which seems to be the most complicated appearance.

However, there is a subject that suits to stand out. It does not be necessary esquivar the fact that if the combined Catalan attains to arrive to an agreement with the 'colchoneros' and carry out the operation with favourable conditions for the club, this could have repercussions in the sportive planning and in the movements of players that can generate .

The interest in Nico Williams

In the first place, the bet by a new loan of the luso would pose the doubt on if it keeps on being necessary the incorporation of Nico Williams, which would represent an important investment for the picture culé. This is due to that Joãor has showed that, although has different characteristics to the ones of a conventional left extreme, also can exert in this position.

Under this premise, does not remain of the all clear if it would be convenient to reinforce doubly the 'wing' left-handed of the Barcelona offensive front with the permanence of the of Viseu or if it will keep the interest in purchasing to the lower of Williams. It is necessary to take into account that the luso also could be a reinforcement for the Barcelonan cast in the area of mediapunta, since the German trainer uses a diagram of game 4-2-3-1 in which Félix also could fit like second artilleryman behind the '9'.

The permanence of Ansu Fati

On the other hand, another name that goes in in scene when considering the arrival of Joãor Félix is the one of Ansu Fati. The canterano culé, the one who already has expressed his wish to do the pre-season with the team and convince to Hansi Flick that it is a valid option for the left extreme, would have few opportunities to play in this place.

In this line argumental and without knowing which sucederá in the pre-season, everything indicates that the one of Bissau would be the second option in the left extreme. It would be necessary to consider if he would accept this situation, since the past season left the club precisely to have more minutes of game and treat of reencontrarse with his football to recover his place like titling in the Catalan picture, or as it has commented recently, the Barcelonan cast could opt for yielding it again.

The sale of Raphinha

To conclude, is important to take into account the case of Raphinha, the one who stood out like left extreme in the last commitments of the FC Barcelona in the season 2023/24, after Lamine Yamal adueñara of the right lane. However, without a place ensured in the 'wing' right-handed and with the possible renewal of the loan of Joãor Félix, what will put him complicated see action with regularity in the left side, would not be surprising that the club, needed of an important sale, consider to sell it to the best bidder for 'oxigenar' the finances and have more economic resources for new incorporations.