Lineker Put by the clouds to Kanté


The signing that Lineker would advise to the Barcelona to aspire to everything

Published:15/07/2018 - 00:57h

Updated:15/07/2018 - 00:57h

Gary Lineker is an ex footballer of the FC Barcelona and one of the most authorised voices to speak on players of the Premier League. Recently it commented very positively the skills of one of the futuribles Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona wishes to reinforce his centre of the field with a player that contribute harp and muscle in a distinct profile to the of the footballers that at present there is in the staff that directs Ernesto Valverde. One of them is N'Golo Kanté, that is being one of the feelings of the World-wide of Russia defending to the selection of France.

Gary Lineker, ex footballer that is used to to comment the actuality of the FC Barcelona, undid in praises to the mediocentro Frenchman: "it Played in my club, in Leicester, but N'Golo has been for me, up to now, the player of this Glass of the World. It is a player to the service of the players. With Kanté, France plays with twelve. He alone voucher two mediocampistas".

The British stood out the physical capacity of Kanté and his incidence in the game of France: "it Is everywhere. The quality of his pass is excellent and crosses the lines. It projects to forward. Frankly, it is a big advantage have a Kante in your team. He is one of the keys of the path of the French team and explains his poster like favourite of this final".

Lineker aventuró To say that Kanté is the best recuperador of balloons that has seen in all his life. "In his position, is the best player that have seen in my life. As half of recovery, has an incredible reading of the game. It captures impossible balloons", commented on the French.

It stood out his work in the centre of the field of the French selection and his progress since it played in the Leicester: "it Runs by all sides, is a true pickpocket. The form in that it steals the ball in the feet of the contrary players, without that they notice it, is incredible. And always it raises fast and clean".

The Barça studies his signing

The FC Barcelona does not keep extraneous to the progression of N'Golo Kanté in the European football. The Barcelona club has interest in incorporating to a footballer that has turned into a key piece of Chelsea and also of the French selection, that has arrived to the final of the World-wide of Russia. His signing would not be easy, but the interest is important.