The signing that Pepe Reina advises FC Barcelona
Published:10/11/2020 - 07:54h
Updated:10/11/2020 - 07:55h
Pepe Reina, goalkeeper of the Lazio, offered an interview in which it advised a signing to the FC Barcelona. Also it spoke on his career, that goes on in spite of his 38 years
Pepe Reina was one of the players that went out of the quarry of the FC Barcelona two decades backwards. However, the cancerbero Madrilenian abandoned the Barcelona club to go to the Villarreal -going in in the operation of Juliano Haus Belletti- and, since, has turned into a historical player of teams like the Liverpool or the Naples, militando now in the Lazio.
The ex Barcelona went through the microphones of 'The Crossbar' of the Chain BE and, in addition to speaking on his dilated career, also advised a signing so much for the FC Barcelona as for the Real Madrid: the one of Piotr Zieliński, of the Naples. "To me it has me enamoured Zieliński. It is a player of Real Madrid or FC Barcelona. It is an out of series", ensured.
Ademas, Pepe Reina thought on the goal of the Spanish selection. "The one who more continuity has is Of Gea and for me has to be like this. Luis Enrique has where choose young goalkeepers and more expert of 38 years. David has an experience that surely is the one who readier is. Kepa goes it to happen worse by the signing of Mendy. Also it is Asenjo, Pacheco... There is quantity of names", signalled.
Pepe Reina confessed that had offers to go to play to LaLiga Santander, but that finally no fructificó any of them and remained in the Series To Italian. "Yes but it did not concretise any. The culture in Spain sees to a player of 38 years as quite greater of what is in Italy. Here the respect is another. In Spain see you like a greater player", explained.
Besides, they asked him if has vertigo to withdraw . "When it have it very clear and remain me six or seven months will resort to somebody that help me. Want to prepare me psychologically for what avenges. Will take me out the title of trainer but have to be prepared for when overnight you leave to go in in a sportive centre", answered.
"Zielinski Is a player for Barcelona or Real Madrid"
Precisely on the withdrawal, ensured that it goes to look for help. "As I know that I go it to miss and goes goes me to change the life will take to some sportive psychologist or a specialist. Have a family in which support me and that all go out with the maximum normality. They are habits that have to remove you and want to be prepared with something of help", commented.
It opened the door to play until the 40: "Finding me very as I find me and going happy to train there is rope for while while the body hold. I carry time playing with pain", said, adding that "you attribute them are greater and the body needs a time to recover . They are a lot of years hitting barrigazos. When you are in the field happens you everything".
For the moment, Pepe Reina has to assume the play less. "It is a step that helps. There are people that withdraws like Zidane playing a final of a World-wide. I was headline three years ago and afterwards went me to the Milan. The past season was a satisfaction to play in the Aston Villa. Now in the Lazio assume that you can not play all the parties and have to do you to the idea", commented.
Pepe Reina confessed that it already went warned that it could not play always: "Inzaghi was clear with me when it spoke of what expected. They are distinct seasons and there are a lot of parties. It is necessary to be ready so that it occur what has happened now". On the tie in front of the Juventus, explained that "they are difficult parties because have drops. We throw to a lot of players of less. This team never surrenders".
A career of 20 years
Pepe Reina had his debut in the 2000 with the FC Barcelona. "It has happened me flying. They have been 20 wonderful years, look backwards and seat me lucky", commented, adding that "with 20 years neither think it. Afterwards it happens all fast and now that I see him the ears to the wolf treat to enjoy". On with which goalkeeper remains , had doubts. "It is difficult to remain with one. Iker is the one who more has showed and more regularity has had. I have been with Neuer, Donnarumma, Valdés... Of all learn something", sentenced.