When the FC Barcelona concretised the signing of Pablo Tower, winning him the battle to the Real Madrid, the midfield player split like the big reference in the Racing of Santander and was called to have importance in the plans of Xavi Hernández, but the 'hard' competition in the medullary Barcelona during the past season caused that it remained without opportunities. The solution was to yield it to the Girona, without option of purchase, so that it found regularity and went back to feel footballer.
Under the orders of Míchel has not had the regularity that expected and has had problems for 'adapt' to the game of the picture gerundense. Sum only 20 parties, with four titularities. It has not fulfilled the 'objective' of revalorizarse and in the City Condal have begun to evaluate the different stages of face to the season that comes, with a very clear starting point, according to the newspaper SPORT: it does not have space in the Barcelona changing room.
The Barça deshoja the margarita with Pablo Tower
The only case in which it was possible his permanence is if the new trainer, in the season that comes, asks his 'signing'. It is a stage that, for the moment, does not contemplate in the sportive direction, although the player would have the firm intention to win a place in the Barça and show that has the sufficient quality to be part of the plans of the club of face to the future. It is worth it to remember that has an agreement that extends until the 2026. The culés already have defined the leaf of route.
Of agreement to the before quoted source, exist possibilities that Tower do the pre-season 2024/2025 with the first team and, from there, begin the process to find his destination. They are conscious that it is a player with a lot of talent and that, with regularity, can be an important piece in the centre of the field of any team of First Division, by what do not have doubt that, if it finish going out, will finish triumphing and being very important.
The Barça studies the sale with option of purchase
The club only is slope to define the formula with which would go out this summer. Have proof that teams of LaLiga and out of Spain would be interested in his incorporation and will look for to repeat the form in which Chadi Riad left to the Real Betis in 2023, with a sale with an option of repurchase. It would be an option 'perfect' to generate income and ensure the possibility to have he in a near future. It is the same formula that are studying, for example, with Mika Faye.