Oscar, struggling for recovering a balloon with Chelsea


The star that can oust to Cristiano... And it is not Messi!

Published:16/12/2016 - 17:20h

Updated:16/12/2016 - 17:21h

The Shanghai SIPG is about to to pay 83 million euros for doing with the signing of Oscar, at present midfield player of Chelsea and that, to his 25 years, can surpass to Cristiano Ronaldo like the better player paid of the world

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does some years boasted to be rich, good-looking and good player to "defend " curiously of the criticisms. However, to Cristiano Ronaldo can surpass him in brief in one of these appearances, or at least regarding the wage that receives of the club to the that has to , the Real Madrid, with which recently signed an agreement multimillionaire that planted him like the better player paid of the world.

Now this situation could change, since from the "Daily Mail" ensure that the Shanghai SIPG, one of the emergent teams of China, plans to pay 476.213 weekly euros to Oscar, current midfield player of Chelsea that to his 25 years can finish signing the agreement of his life.

This yes, throwing possibly by embroiders it his professional career in the elite and putting in risk, besides, future announcements with the selection of Brazil when happening to play in a lower competition as it is the Chinese.

Oscar can surpass to Cristiano Ronaldo

In spite of that still desconoce if Oscar will finish accepting said proposal, the true is that the Shanghai SIPG and Chelsea would be already very near to close the traspaso, since the Asians would credit at all more and at all less than 83 million euros to the group "blue".

With this new agreement, besides, Oscar would surpass to Cristiano Ronaldo in concept of better player paid of the world, being able to win 68.000 euros to the day, in some figures of scandal that would situate him by in front of the luso, that earns in the actuality 434.544 euros to the week. Sure that Chelsea and Oscar will do all the possible by that the agreement prompt closing between all the parts involved.