Bartomeu spoke on the retreat of Messi


The strategy of the Barcelona for encarar the course of Leo Messi

Published:7/02/2019 - 22:13h

Updated:7/02/2019 - 22:14h

Leo Messi carries more than a decade marvelling to the world and showing that there has not been any player like him in the history. To his 31 years still remains him rope, but in the FC Barcelona already think in the strategy for paliar his future goodbye

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Leo Messi is the best footballer of all time and from the past decade that offers joys to the barcelonismo. Nevertheless, the Argentinian star already has 31 years and will fulfil the 32 the next month of June, something that gives that think maybe in that it does not remain so much so that the '10' leave to defend in active the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona.

From the Catalan entity have clear that the course of the Argentinian will not produce in the short term but yes to half, by what have treated to initiate a plan to do less weighed the transition to a staff without the talent descomunal of 'the Flea'. Josep Maria Bartomeu, in statements to the program 'Football Daily', of the BBC, has desvelado his plan for encarar the moment in which Messi say 'suffice'.

The leader culé thinks that the key is fichar to young players. "With Messi have the best player of the history. A day will say that it leaves to play to football, know it, expect that it was inside a lot, but have to prepare us. Therefore we bring young talent: Dembélé, Arthur, of Jong, Coutinho, Todibo, Ter Stegen, Lenglet... We have to follow the era of excellence and success", manifested.

In concrete, Bartomeu centred in Frenkie of Jong, that has been the last in arriving after his traspaso closed in the market of winter, although to arrive in summer. "The next fourteen years will be in our city. The players change his life, and Frenkie understands our form to play", commented.

The true is that the FC Barcelona has made young signings and of a lot of future by in front in the last years. Besides, the sportive direction has reinforced practically all the lines of the field, although it would be missing fichar to a forward that could assume responsibilities of here to some years, in a team without Leo Mesis and Luis Suárez.

Cam,bios important in the Champions League

Bartomeu also announced important changes in the Champions League. "The League will be different. We compete with Premier, Bundesliga... It is necessary to look for how do competitions more attractive. And also the Champions: all the world speaks in the last years of the Superliga. It does not go to be something immediate, but in the Champions goes to have an evolution. No now, but yes in four or five years", sentenced.

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