Controversial informations
The Sun: The father of Messi and Chelsea kept contacts
Published:7/07/2016 - 11:11h
Updated:7/07/2016 - 12:02h
From England take advantage of the judicial sentence against the Messi to pour an information on a supposed meeting between the progenitor of the crack of the Barça and the mandator of Chelsea. Also they speak of another offer of the City
It does not know already if with truthful information or simply for especular, but the diatio British "The Sun" has taken out to the light a supposed meeting between the father of Leo Messi and the mandator of Chelsea Roman Abramovic in a yacht of the Russian tycoon. The newspaper speaks of a meeting "supersecreto"… Then how know it?
They are many the lagoons that leaves this information and the fact that it appear in less than 24 hours from the judicial sentence against the crack rosarino does to suspect that it was not a new attempt of desestabilizar from England. Has all paints it to be a hoax said information as they do not quote reliable sources neither neither exist photographies that show the facts. There is not at all, only the word of the journalist that writes the news that alludes to "somebody near" to the English club.
And according to this information Chelsea would have done him arrive to Leo an offer of 800 one thousand weekly pounds, or what is the same 48 million euros. Some figures really mareantes and to which it would be necessary to add the 250 million euros that would have to pay of clause. And the Fair Play Financial? Any operation of these characteristics would happen the selection of the FIFA and UEFA that would sanction to the club that invested an atrocity of east calibrate.
But they were not all for the party of "The Sun" but they also had to aim to the of always, to a Manchester City that also would tempt to the Argentinian with the presence of Pep Guardiola in the team "citizen". It results also contradictory when the own Catalan trainer informed to his new fans that "Messi will not go out of the Barça". Anyway, informations without foundation that again look for enturbiar the situation of Leo. But that all the world was calm, Messi will be still in the team of his life until his legs hold.