Anybody knows if the last retuit of Mikel Merino was a 'error' or a 'gesture premeditado', but what yes know all is that the message did not leave to anybody indifferent. In his account in the social network Twitter, Fabrizio Romano published a message in which it announced the imminent signing of the navarro by part of the Arsenal. However, what more called the attention was the retuit of the central of the Real Sociedad.

The midfield player retuiteó the message of the journalist, but some minutes afterwards erased the retuit. However, when they undid it already a lot of people had seen what occurred in the account, that did not publish at all from January of the past year. The author of the retuit could be the mediocampista or his team of communication. Although what himself is true is that already many comment the subject and share the image through the social networks.

The option of Mikel Merino is sondeada in the Barça

The mediocampista born in Pamplona is one of the options that the FC Barcelona has on the table. In the team are conscious that they need to reinforce in the pivote with an incorporation like the one of the player of 28 years, since it is the one who more adapts to the accounts of the team. In this context, Hansi Flick would have requested to the sportive director, Deco, the signing of the player.

As 'Sport', the culés are not the only interested in the footballer, since in the Arsenal would be very interested in the central. The 'Artillerymen' could pay 30 million euros without terms as they want in the team directed by Imanol Bailiff. Now, Mikel Merino expects to see the movements of the clubs interested before going back to the trainings with the Real Sociedad the next 5 August.