The FC Barcelona, although the season 2023-24 still is in course, seems to be already scheduling his next movements of face to the campaign 2024-25, especially regarding incorporations in the market veraniego. In this sense, the continuity of Xavi Hernández in the club is a key point that has been ensured, which will give place to a series of important decisions.

Under this premise, one of the names that seems to generate greater debate is the one of Joãor Félix, whose future in the combined of the City Condal seems uncertain. First, by his irregular performance, in occasions showing performances 'top' that showed that it is able to be a differential footballer, and in others showing an improper image of his hierarchy with some fault of commitment and disconnection with the game. Segundo, by an element that complicates his permanence in the Catalan team: the negotiations with the Athletic of Madrid.

Taking into account this, has left clear in more than an occasion that the FC Barcelona only would consider to have the Portuguese if it arrives in quality of loan without charge and with a wage reduced. However, the 'colchoneros' do not seem to agree, since although his relation with the player was dilapidated and wish to undo of him the before possible, would be interested in making a transfer that involve an important sum of money, something that the group culé would not be had to contemplate.

The FC Barcelona would not be in position to have Joãor Félix for the next season

Now, it has arisen new information that moves away even more to Joãor Félix of the FC Barcelona. According to the journalist Pedro Almeida, the club would be preparing his exit at the end of the season. Equally, this source sustains that the native of Viseu would not be considered a key player in the sportive project of Xavi Hernández for the next campaign.

It is necessary to stand out that, although at the beginning of the course the egarense took into account to the luso and east answered him with a performance stood out, the reality is that his sportive unsteadiness during big part of the season has it relegado to the bench. In the last commitments in which it has seen action, has done it like revulsivo, a role that the one of Terrassa has assigned him and in which it has answered of acceptable way. However, it has not been sufficient to win a place title in a position that, by the moment, seems to be occupied by Raphinha, the one who is having a stellar performance.

Now it will be necessary to expect to see if the FC Barcelona decides to keep to a player that, although it has not had bad statistical numbers with 10 annotations (being the third maximum goleador of the team) and six passes to goal (fifth in assistances of the team), does not seem to fit of the all in the plans of the club. Equally, rumorea that the Barcelona picture would be looking for a left extreme with characteristics a bit distinct to the ones of Joãor. A name 'top' that offer provision nearer to which offers Lamine Yamal by the right-handed side, to take advantage of like this much better both bands.