Through his social networks, the FC Barcelona communicated officially the signature of a player of 22 years. The past course, the footballer played in the filial blaugrana after the agreed cession with the Girona. Now, the youngster signed the contractual bond that joins it to the team directed by Hansi Flick until June of the year 2029. The performance and the quality of the of Sant Cugat of the Vallès attained to convince to the Catalan institution to concretise his incorporation.

During the past season, Pau Víctor annotated 20 so many and gave six assistances in the 39 parties contested. The one who went trainer of the Barça Atlètic, Rafa Márquez, bet by the Catalan and his leadership in the team, something that served to arrive to the final of the playoff of promotion to the League Hypermotion. However, the most remembered fact was the doublet that marked the attacker during the Classical in United States and the goal in the duel against the City. Therefore, so much Joan Laporta like Deco moved to execute a manoeuvre that finish with the signature of the agreement this Friday.

The forward spoke of this new stage

After signing the agreement with the FC Barcelona, visibly thrilled, the player said how is sobrellevando the situation: "it Is one of the happiest moments of my life", commented the Catalan. The footballer added that it never could forget this day: "it Is a moment that I go it to remember always, is one of the happiest moments of my life, at the end have been able to sign by this club", sustained the one of Sant Gugat.

The attacker commented that it is not easy can assimilate all what is happening in his life. Even, Pau Víctor recognised that sometimes it is not conscious of what is attaining in his career. Likewise, it said that the past year was very good for his mates and the technical body. In this context, the forward sustained that this year it wanted to do a big season with a lot of "work and effort".

The project of the Barça with the canteranos

This last decision of the FC Barcelona confirms that in the institution trust fully in the youngsters to reinforce the project blaugrana. In this sense, the trainer of the first team, Hansi Flick, went one of which recognised the talent of the attacker after his participation in turns it American: "Three goals in two parties, is not bad. It knows how mark and this is good for a forward", explained the míster. Now, the maximum goleador of the past season with the Barcelona subsidiary lands in the team directed by the germano to show his potential.