Estanis Pedrola celebrates a goal with Barça Atlètic


The youth squad Estanis Pedrola stops being a FC Barcelona player

Published:22/10/2023 - 21:15h

Updated:22/10/2023 - 22:27h

Estanis Pedrola is no longer part of FC Barcelona after playing his tenth game for Sampdoria. The Catalan attacker has shown a good level of play and the Italian club has activated its mandatory purchase option.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Estanis Pedrola Has concluded his period like player of the FC Barcelona. The canterano of the Catalan club, yielded in the Sampdoria, has left to form part of the group culé after completing his tenth party with the Italian team and, consistently, activate his option of compulsory purchase stipulated in his agreement of cession.

The true is that in this historical Italian club, Estanis is causing furor and with little time in the staff has turned into an idol for the fans. Specifically, the habilidoso extreme Catalan adds 3 goals in what it goes of season and, in spite of having confronted a lower injury, his delivery and skill is offering joys to the demanding Italian fans.

After fulfilling the included clause in his agreement with the Italian team, Estanis Pedrola now is exclusive property of the Sampdoria. With the dispute of his tenth party, the canterano becomes property of the club genovés, having effected a payment of three million euros to the FC Barcelona. On the other hand, the FC Barcelona keeps an option of repurchase by seven million euros, valid until 2025, and conserves 50% of the rights of traspaso in case of a possible future sale of Estanis. If the player follows showing progresses under the direction of Pirlo, the Barcelona could activate the clause to recover the services of this talentoso extreme, the one who always has been of the like of Xavi.

Estanis Dreams with going back to the Barça

Nevertheless, the Catalan has very clear that wishes to go back to the club of his loves some day and like this expressed it to Catalonia Ràdio during the stop of selections "From small am of the Barça and grew seeing his parties, flipando with Messi and the truth is that if some day could go back, would love me, but now am centred in the Sampdoria. We have begun a bit bad and have a lot of work. But after the stop, sure that go upwards again"

In these moments, the Sampdoria has an urgent need to obtain results. After a complicated beginning of season, find in the sixteenth position in the Series B. Estanis Has turned into a fundamental figure for revertir this adverse situation. The youngster canterano Catalan has showed a performance stood out in the Italian team, and if it continues exhibiting his quality and evolving like player, could discern the possibility of his return to the Barcelona, where could follow offering joys to the club that saw him grow.

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