Amrabat v Torino


There is room for Barça! Fiorentina to listen to offers for Amrabat in summer

Published:7/04/2023 - 17:37h

Updated:7/04/2023 - 17:37h

Fiorentina have understood that this summer will be the ideal time to let their best player out. Amrabat is still a highly sought-after name and from Barcelona and Manchester will return to the charge

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sofyan Amrabat Converted during the World-wide of Qatar in one of the mediocampistas more wished by the most important clubs of Europe. The footballer of the Fiorentina, beside his Moroccan mates, offered an excellent and unexpected performance, doing that the eyes of the world posed on him and on several his mates of the selection of Morocco.

Finally it arrived the market of winter and the FC Barcelona, the one who had him in folder from December, touched to the door of Fiore, but from Italy closed in band to any type of operation. However, now the player would have green light to go out of the Italian club if it arrives a good offer of traspaso. The Fiorentina denied to yield it to the Barça with an option of purchase, but now the doors could be open.

In Italy leave the open door

Like this at least it ensured it the agent of the footballer, Mohamed Sinouh to 'Kora Plus'. "We do not have for now any offer for summer, but now at least the Fiorentina is had to listen. It is a promise that did when the president refused all the offers in winter", ensured the representative. With this stage, the team culé, as well as other clubs like the Manchester United will be able to add to the bidding by the midfield player.

The agent of the footballer equally admitted that after the World-wide arrived proposals very important. "We receive a lot of offers during the market of transfers of January, included an of the Manchester United, but can not arrive to an agreement". Asked after the Barça, the Sinouh left clear that it was the Fiorentina the one who prevented the operation. "The Barça? The president of the Fiorentina denied to give him gone out because it represented a safe value after the paper that had done in the World-wide".

The Barça will need all the help of Amrabat

The own Amrabat arrived to presionar publicly to go out and the relations with his club arrived to a high level of tension, but finally went back to play and is one of the best midfield players of the Series To this season. In the Barça look for a midfield player of his characteristics for the next project, but seems difficult that the club blaugrana can opt to a traspaso of 30 or 40 millions by the player, the one who already remained clear that will not go out in quality of yielded.