The situation of Ousmane Dembélé is unsustainable for the directive of the FC Barcelona. The player denied to accept the letter of freedom to be able to leave to Chelsea, Tottenham or Paris Saint-Germain, clubs that were interested in ficharle in the last hours of the wintry market. After the closing of the window of transfers and the attitude of the player and his surroundings, in the offices of the Camp Nou think that the one of Vernom has an offer under the table for fichar in June with Juventus or Manchester United.

Both clubs have saved silence and, until the moment, have not made any query by the player. Of equal way, Chelsea, Tottenham and PSG neither established any contact with the club. In the case of the Parisians, his interest by the '7' blaugrana is known from does time, but was impossible to try ficharle now by the restrictions of the 'fair play' financial.

The suspicions of the Barça by 'Juve' and United are not unfounded. The 'red devils' tried to carry him to Old Trafford in the last two markets of summer and have good relations with the agent of the 'mosquito', Moussa Sissoko. Similar case occurs with the Juventus, that has kept conversations with the representative to know the intentions of the player.

In this sense, the managerial culé is convinced that Ousmane has a precontrato signed to leave free in June, well was to Manchester or to Turín. Of the contrary, is inexplicable the attitude of the forward and his agent, planted until the Frenchman finalise his agreement.

The 'case Dembélé', in hands of Xavi

Finally, the wintry market closed and Dembélé did not resolve at all. Lto refusal to listen offers of other clubs to renew or negotiate a cession or traspaso immediate, together with his high pretences salariales, did that the team of Xavi Hernández opted for separating him of the announcement in the two previous parties to the stop of selections.

Now, the míster of Terrassa will have to decide if it keeps the veto to the forward or resigna to have he in the months that subtract of season. To Xavi would not like him leave to the French six months in the terracing, but is conscious of the delicate situation of the player. Thus, the decision will take in group with the directive and will announce in the press conference of the Saturday, previous to the party against the Athletic of Madrid in Camp Nou.