Paco Alcácer, during a party with Valencia Cf


They give by closed the signing of Alcácer by the FC Barcelona

Published:24/08/2016 - 20:42h

Updated:24/08/2016 - 20:42h

The Spanish forward of Valencia CF, Paco Alcácer, would be to a step to be player of the FC Barcelona according to a sector of the Catalan press. So much the player like Peter Lim would have given already the seen well to the traspaso to the Barcelona club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although there is not at all official and the possible signing of Paco Alcácer by the FC Barcelona carries rumoreándose more than a week, the newspaper "Sport" ensures now that the agreement is already practically closed for the incorporation of the footballer, after the Barça have arrived already to an agreement so much with the player as with Peter Lim, owner of the club.

Now, according to the own half, so only would be missing that Valencia CF resolve his internal problems and access to give the seen well to the operation, something that would leave in very bad place to Lay Hoon, president of the group ché, that left clear by active and by passive does some days that no traspadaría to Alcácer to the Barça, in spite of the speculations of the press.

The quoted half Catalan insists in that the FC Barcelona will pay 30 million fixed euros more 5 "kilos" in concept of variables to do with the incorporation of the player valencianista, in what it would represent a cost perfectly asumible by the Barça taking into account that ingresarán 20-25 million euros by the sale of Claudio Bravo to the Manchester City.

All the bases of the future agreement of Alcácer with the FC Barcelona are closed, and now only would be missing a last OK of Valencia to put the stamp to the operation and allow definitively the arrival of a new signing to the entity barcelonista. The contracting, on the other hand, could suppose the exit of Munir The Haddadi course to the Celtic of Vigo.