Already it remains less than a week so that it finalise the Eurocopa in Germany, and for anybody is a secret that Nico Williams is one of the feelings of the tournament, and of the moment, by his big performances with Spain in the tournament. This situation only has done that it mark even more the interest of a lot of clubs in doing with his services, a point that analysed somebody that knows him very well.

Unai Simón, the goalkeeper of Spain and of the Athletic Club, knows him very well to Nico, understanding that they share changing room in both teams and that the guardameta has seen him grow in the last three years in which it has attained to happen of a big talent to be a fixed in the XI, so much in the Red as in Saint Mamés. It is thus that the '1' considers that "it is normal that listen all these rumours that it can go to the Barça, to Chelsea, to the Arsenal…", explained.

Nico Williams has showed that is smart to give another step in his career

"It is a player that right now could play in the majority of teams of the world by what is showing, by the growth that has had this season and because it is very determinant in a lot of situations", affirmed also on Nico in his interview in 'National Radio'. Likewise, the Spanish goalkeeper stood out that "until the moment is player of the Athletic", signalled.

Unai Simón knows very well as it works the summer

"I enjoy it a lot when I see him defending the T-shirt of the Athletic, of the Spanish selection, sharing changing room with him. Nico has agreement with the Athletic until 2027, is very happy home and see him with the very clear ideas of face to his future", ensured Unai. The guardameta also took advantage of to leave a 'dart' to the press when mentioning that "in summer, when there is not football, devote to speak of the market and is normal that occur these things", sustained.