The FC Barcelona would have centred his efforts in doing with the signing of Héctor Bellerín for the right side, but in case of not achieving the incorporation of the youngster carrilero Catalan of the Arsenal will have to value other more affordable possibilities in the market of signings.

The Barcelona group would have fixed like alternatives in Djibril Sibidé (24 years) and Almany Touré (21 years), of the Monaco, two players that are technical and besides have of some excellent physical conditions. The first arrived pertinent of the Lille and has snatched him the titularity to the second, but the two complement and could be good options for the FC Barcelona.

In Italy, in addition to following sounding the international Alessandro Florenzi (26 years), would have appeared in scene a youngster "covered" of the Atalanta, Conti, to the one who to his 23 years the service of "scouting" of the FC Barcelona does not lose the track.

Conti Would have been gone on down the Barça in the last parties, and also by other leading clubs of Italy that they could bid strong by his signing. His progression plants him like one of the futures debutantes in the absolute of Italy, and is an incógnita if the FC Barcelona would be had to do a "experiment" to the hour to do with his services.

Sidibé Wins whole for the Barça

The side of the Monaco is cuajando a big season and, in statements conceded to "RMC", confessed does some days that "would think" in recalar in a big of Europe like the FC Barcelona as long as they ensured him have of minutes of game.

The first bet of the club is Héctor Bellerín, but Sidibé is offering a big performance this season, and if it follows like this will go winning ballots progressively for fichar by the Barça. If it lands in the City Condal, will be to struggle by the titularity.