After an intense 'bidding' with Chelsea to do with the services of Jules Koundé, the FC Barcelona finally has received to the French defence with an agreement that will link him until June of 2027. After his official presentation like new player culé, have given to know some of the economic details that have allowed his arrival to the City Condal.
Through the program 'Què T'hi Jugues', the journalist Adrià Soldevila has indicated that the total cost of the traspaso rises to the 50 million fixed euros, whereas the mount to pay to the Seville by concept of variables could reach the 12,5 million euros, divided in 2,5 'kilos' by each season in case that Koundé play at least the 60 % of the parties in each one of them.
Likewise, it has received a premium of signing by two million euros and in his agreement like player of the Barcelona appears a clause of rescission that him 'armour' with 1.000 million euros. His ancient club, the Girondins of Burdeos, also has seen benefited in the operation with some eight million euros: five corresponding to the 20 % of the plusvalía in future available case (for then agreed with the Seville) and other three by the right of training.
The wage of Koundé
Regarding the section salarial, the case of the French adjusts to the limits established by the Barcelona directive in function of the 'fair play financial'. Of this way, the first year of wage for Koundé will be of 9,5 million euros, whereas for each one of the following seasons the total will rise to the 12 'kilos', splitting of the increase in the income that could have the Barça for then.
To the equal that in the case of the montos of his traspaso from the Seville, the new wage of the defender also will be subject to some similar variables. Play the 60 % of the meetings of each course, as all seems to indicate that it will do it given his projection and potential, would ensure him an increase of two million euros. Besides, will have a maximum bonus of one million euros, depending on the titles obtained by season.