Kylian Mbappé Goes back to be in the eye of the hurricane to the doors of the possible announcement of his future. In December, in France revealed that the decision went to be taken before the dispute of the eighth of final of the Champions League and already has begun the account regresiva so that the attacker of 25 years communicate, at least to his club, the Paris Saint-Germain, which will be his plans from the next season.

The past week, 'Him Parisien' informed that from the Park of the Princes began to give by stray to the of Bondy, the one who understand that it will finish in the Real Madrid like free agent. Since, they have been varied the sources that have coincided that Mbappé will finish dressing of 'merengue' or, at least, that the optimism is increasingly high in the capital of Spain. The contacts between both parts have not detained .

Alluvium of informations on Mbappé

However, this Monday in his program Rothen s'ignée in RMC, Jérôme Rothen, has aimed that the footballer of 25 years still has not taken the decision regarding his future. "He has not chosen", recognised the excentrocampista in the middle of a social gathering with Eric Gave Meco and Christophe Dugarry, insisting in that "if I say them that he did not choose, listen me. It is the information of JR25 (Jérôme Rothen n°25, note of the editor), never makes a mistake". In the PSG, as they explain in RMC Sport, there is pessimism regarding the continuity of the player, but still have hopes.

In spite of this, begin to 'cover' the backs. Fabrizio Romano, specialist in the market of signings, announced that the PSG has his plan of ready backrest in case that it take the decision to leave , something that did not pose in France neither Qatar in 2022, when it already was near to sign by the Real Madrid. By his part, in the White House increases to the confidence considerably and already, in fact, in the changing room begin to see the possibility to share with Mbappé in the season that comes.