One of the big problems with which recently has been lidiando the FC Barcelona has to see with the fulfillment of the 'fair play' financial of LaLiga, specifically with the rule 1/1. This norm establishes that the club only can invest a euro by each euro saved by means of sales, which has limited the capacity of the Barcelona cast to go out to the market to treat to incorporate to players 'top'.

Nevertheless, the club has done all the possible to improve this situation and seems to be in way to attain it. In his more recent public statement, Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga, expressed his optimism in this regard. "It will depend on some questions that have to do. They communicate us that they get along, we go to see. Everything depends on that they can resolve some subjects and exits. They know what have to pose. I expect and wish that the Barcelona go in in the rule 1/1 this summer. It does not have it so difficult like other times", sentenced.

In this sense, a possible solution for the combined Catalan could go through finish of oficializar the agreement of sponsorship with Nike, which supposedly includes a premium of signing of 100 M€ and a fixed payment between 105 and 120 M€. To his time, as it has commented recently in 'Sportive World', the club culé has several agreements of sponsorship tied that they will make public in the weeks to come, all this with the aim to cover the deficit of the operation of Barça Half. It is necessary to remember that LaLiga expected ingresar 40 M€ of Free before it finalised the 2023 and this never arrived, as well as it expects that the German company do not credit the others 60 M€ that corresponded him before 30 June.

The plan of the FC Barcelona in the market of signings if it goes back to the rule 1/1

With this panorama in mind, earns special importance a recent information revealed in the pódcast of Twitch 'Jijantes', driven by the journalist Gerard Romero. According to this source, the plan of the FC Barcelona for the market of incorporations, in case to fulfil with the rule 1/1, would be to make four drops and four additions for 'agitate' the staff.

This approach contrasts with the expressed recently by the president of the institution, Joan Laporta, in an interview in 'Barça One', where mentioned the following regarding signings: "The idea is to incorporate to few players, believe in the potential of the current staff. Only some retouchings". Therefore, it will be necessary to expect to see which transactions finally will carry out the Barcelonan picture, since, in addition to reinforcing the left extreme and the mediocentro, also poses the incógnita of if it will look for strengthen the left side or right, as well as if it will bring another leading centre.