It is not a secret that Ronald Araújo is not happy with the wage that is winning right now in the FC Barcelona. The charrúa is winning less than four million net euros, a quantity that is tremendously move# away of what by status, when being the third captain and an indisputable player, and by level, being surely the best head office of the world, would have to win. Perhaps it is thus by what the defender carries months without closing the door to a possible exit of the Barça, something that to sportive level would be a complete disaster.

For putting two very recent examples, after deleting to the Naples, the Uruguayan left clear that his future in the City Condal does not depend on he. "My future depends of the club. All the world knows that I am very happy here in the Barça. And very appreciated to Xavi", indicated, leaving this indirect to the entity. Only some days afterwards, before the duel in front of the Athletic of Madrid, insisted in leaving the open door to a possible exit, to the not being conclusive on his continuity. "Well, I, obviously, always say it that I am very happy here in Barcelona, carry quite time here and well, afterwards do not know what will happen, but always say that I am very happy here. I am very calm and quite centred in the season, in being able to finish well", stood out again.

Araújo Wants to earn quite more and in Munich or Manchester would pay it to him

It is very evident that the defender has clear that this summer could be decisive for his sportive career, since it is the moment to have his first wage of star. After expanding his agreement in 2022 doing him a favour to a club 'touched' economically, accepting earn surely less than what even then touched him, now does not want to do grantings and wishes to have the wage that has won on the field. This is what hints by his posture every time that goes out to speak, and the true is that no can him say at all bad, since after doing grantings two years ago, now no has to him ask that it go on doing them.

Of this aim to increase of substantial form his wage are born the rumours on his possible course and even the interest especially of the Bayern of Munich, but also of other teams like the Manchester United. The Bavarians, by his part, tried ficharle in the past market of summer, offering more than 80 million euros by him, but so much the player like the Barcelona refused them. However, the own Bavarians and the rest of 'big' in Europe know that this summer the things could be very different if there is not agreement for his renewal.

Araújo Is the big star that less earns of the Barça

If the Barça can not fulfil with the wishes of Ronald and offers him a figure underneath of what he considers that it deserves , is more than likely that the own player can change of posture on his future and open to the idea to leave . In Munich or in Manchester says that they could offer him bend his wage of 4 to 8 'kilos', that by his level and performance on the field would be alggo quite just for him. For putting in context everything, in the picture barcelonista Lewandowski will win 16 net millions the course that comes, Raphinha and Cancel more than 6, Koundé almost 7, Gündogan more than 9, and even Christensen and Iñigo Martínez, with more than 4,5, are winning more than him now.

With this scale salarial and finish agreement in alone two years, is natural that Araújo want an important increase, even bending his current index card to put near of Gündogan, that is the third that more earns in the changing room, only by behind Lewy and of Frenkie of Jong. By importance, experience and performance, the Uruguayan deserves be in this position and seems that it is by what will litigate. Now it is missing to see if in the FC Barcelona are had to offer him so much or expect that satisfied with less money.

The Barça could offer him to Ronald less than what want to and deserves

For the moment, the official position of the Barça is as so that the barcelonismo was in alert. Deco Spoke this past Wednesday and, although it left clear that in the club want to retain to the central and will do all the possible to do it, left the 'ball' in his roof. "Araújo Will renew, if he wants to. We will do an effort because it deserves it. The effort of the club is to keep what have", declared the sportive director. Some words that leave to fall that from the entity will offer him all what can with the margin that have, but that perhaps will not be a so high proposal like which want the defender.

After yielding in 2022 and see how the signings that arrived this year between January and summer, Lewandowski, Christensen, Ferran Torres, Raphinha and Koundé, have been earning more than him, and that in 2023, Gündogan, Iñigo and Joao Cancel also, the footballer could be fed up to yield and the only that would look for is that the Barça was just with him. It has won earn more than almost all the mentioned, by not saying all, and therefore it seems that like minimum could demand a wage that was between the one of Koundé (almost 7 net) and the one of Gündo (more than 9).

Laporta And Deco have to do the impossible to retain to Araújo

The FC Barcelona has to move 'sky' and 'earth', attain the 'crowbars' that do lacking and even sell to some player if necessary to have happy to Ronald offering him a just wage with which accept the renewal. The culés can not remain without his best head office and without which goes to be the perfect mentor of Pau Cubarsí, that some day also could be 'top 3' of world, as it is it the charrúa. Although economically the sale of Araújo could help to solve the problems of Fair Play and even to fichar to a mediocentro of level, the loss futbolística and in the changing room would be tremendto.

The Uruguayan is one of the big leaders of the staff and exerts like such so much inside as out of the field, something impagable in any team. The character and the personality that squanders are noteworthy and there is not money in the able world to pay this. Besides, the '4' is a central only by his brutal physicist, that allows him look of you to you to any extreme and leading 'top' world-wide. It is a corrector of súper elite, arriving to almost all the crosses winning by speed to his pair when it touches and being also decisive by high thanks to his more than 1,90 m.

If the Barça wants to compete by the next Champions and can win also Leagues and Glasses, needs to Araújo in the team. Without him, Cubarsí would remain without teacher and with a lot of more pressure of which has now, since Christensen and Iñigo, being good central, do not form part of the elite in Europe. By all this, Laporta and Deco can not fail and have to solve this 'folder' to reassure to all the barcelonismo and ensure to which will be a fundamental piece in the construction of a FC Barcelona champion.