Marco Verratti in a party of Champions with the PSG


Verratti Backs and asks pardon to the PSG, goodbye to the Barça?

Published:8/07/2017 - 00:57h

Updated:9/07/2017 - 01:22h

The hopes of the Barça to see to Marco Verratti dressed with the Barcelona T-shirt could have given a dump. The Italian has apologised by the statements of his agent, affirming that it does not think the same and that wants the best for the PSG

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Or Marco Verratti has given a brutal twist to his strategy or the FC Barcelona already can go forgetting to have the Italian midfield player, since to the refusal of the PSG by his exit have added some statements of the player asking pardon by a sounded attack of his agent against the Parisians. The footballer has recognised that it does not think the same that Donato Gave Campli and that wants the best for his team.

The representative of the of Fished had created a fire with some statements in which it affirmed that "Verratti is prisoner of the emir", but the own player has answered, hours after incorporating to the pre-season of the French, with a communiqué to the official means of the club, in which it tries to calm some waters that come very revolved

"I have happened some difficult days, have seen this morning some statements of my agent and want to say to all that the demonstrations of my agent do not reflect my thought, neither are my words. I know that he works for me and therefore I am here to excuse me with the club, with the fans and with all the people that works here", has signalled the Italian to start with.

"I have begun the preparation, am very happy to return and of reencontrarme with the club, with the mates and with the trainers. I know that all trust a lot in me and want to once again excuse me. I do not speak often, but have a lot of respect by this club. If in these five years have turned me into a big player, has been thanks to the PSG. That's why I excuse with this statement, as I have said before are not my thoughts", has highlighted, to finish ensuring that "we want to that all the world was calm, expect that they will not happen more things like this. Since I am here always have given 100% and will continue always giving the best for the club".

A sea of doubts

Although Josep Maria Bartomeu has warned that "until the day 31 still remains time", in the FC Barcelona would be beginning to doubt of the possibilities of fichar to the Italian. The PSG has closed in band and does not access to negotiate, and the footballer does not want to throw stones on his roof in case at the end it has to remain in the Park of the Princes. The technical body already has begun to move in search of alternatives, and the doubt that all pose is, there are possibilities of fichar to Marco Verratti?

These are the statements of Marco Verratti to the official means of the PSG.