Vitor Roque with Brazil celebrating a goal


Vitor Roque boasts of his signing for Barça on his social networks

Published:12/07/2023 - 14:47h

Updated:12/07/2023 - 14:47h

The striker of the Brazilian team, Vitor Roque, has made several publications on his social networks in which he puffs up his new signing for Barça with a view to the future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has done official the signing of Vitor Roque of face to the future. The club has issued a communiqué in which it details the terms of his links with the entity until the season 2030/31, being June of 2024 the marked date so that it land in the City Condal.

Although the 'Operation Gone out' could accelerate his incorporation for the next market of winter, the true is that the forward has pronounced in his social networks with several publications that have called the attention of the fan culé.

Vitor Roque Takes out breast by the Barça

'Tigrinho' Has used his profile of 'Instagram' to do 'posts' of his traspaso to the Barça with videos and allusive images to his new club. In fact, the Brazilian has taken out breast also in his histories mentioning so much to the Barcelona as to the official account of the League of Champions, competition that will contest with security the next year.

In one of the cinematic shared by the ex Athletico Paranaense can him see affirming that "'Tigrinho' is culer" after different short of a tiger in the jungle. Besides, the official account of 'Twitter' of the Barcelona also took out to the light a video of the 'crack' saying his first words for the club. "Culés, am very happy of fichar by the Barça. It is a dream done reality. 'Triginho' Comes to Barcelona, see us prompt. Força Barça!", it aimed the '9'.

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