Vitor Roque scored again and Barça is excited about his signing
Vitor Roque, one of the forwards wanted by Barça, has added his sixth goal in six games during the South American U-20 championship played in Colombia
The FC Barcelona does not separate his sight of the forward Vitor Roque, the 'perla' of the Brazilian football that is causing feeling in the Seleçao. To his 17 years, is indisputable in the alignments of Brazil during the Sudamericano Sub-20 and has seen again door in the goleada (3-0) in front of Venezuela, where annotated his sixth goal of the championship.
The Barcelona have looks it put in the footballer of the Athletico Paranaense, since they consider that great all the integers to be the relief to short and average term of Robert Lewandowski. In front of 'The Vinotinto' showed once again his big capacity of desmarque and his brilliant definition, hammering the balloon on the guardameta a short minutes of initiated the second half.
In fact, Roque promedia practically a goal by party contested thanks to his so many in front of Peru (2), Argentina (1), Ecuador (2) and now Venezuela (1). In front of the Venezuelan group left for the memory a celebration in to that carried his open hands by behind his ears to the 'Mole Gigio', a clear 'wink' to Lionel Messi in the World-wide past of Qatar.
The Paranaense paid 4.3 million euros to the Cruzeiro to do with his services and nowadays would have him priced in almost 40 million euros, by what is not had to negotiate by an inferior figure to the 30 'kilos'. The Barça will have to move with speed in the market if it wants to ficharle once fulfil the majority of age, more still in front of the latent interest of West Ham, PSG and Chelsea.
Safe bet?
Although the club has not had good experiences in the last years with Brazilian forwards, the true is that the 'scouts' of the institution have very good reports after validating his qualities 'in situ' in several commitments. It will be necessary to see if the club has the economic solvency to go in of full in his incorporation during the market estival and ensure to one of the greater talents in promotion of Brazil.