Vitor Roque And Endrick go to go irremediablemente of the hand during his career. Both Brazilians, of almost the same age (18 the Barcelona and 17 the merengue), forwards and arrived practically at the same time to Spain, one to the FC Barcelona and the another to the Real Madrid. During his first years in his respective teams goes to be usual that compare his statistics, feelings or attitudes and that use them to give him another victory or for 'restregarles' another defeat to culés or madridistas, as it touch.

But in spite of all the similarities that save by both attackers by the commented, the reality is that in the field, that is what at the end goes to mark the careers of both, are footballers quite distinct. In 'FCBN' have wanted to analyse the qualities, the lace in his new clubs and the 'ceiling' of each one of them to try guess which of the two will have more impact to short or half term or even who will arrive higher.

Vitor Roque Has more goal that Endrick

In the purely futbolístico, Roque is a '9' that, in spite of his mobility, could say that it is more 'killer' of area that Endrick. The one of the Barça has more instinct goleador, is a good cabeceador and moves better inside the area, something that does him be more dangerous of face to door, at least to day of today. By his part, the madridista is even more mobile, likes him more fall to bands, go down to receive and inside the area still has a lot of margin of improvement, since, on the contrary that his compatriot, in occasions costs him too much find a good position of finish. A data that reflects all this is the average goleador of one and of another this campaign, since Vitor has one of 0,40 so many by minute played and the one of the Palmeiras of 0,31.

Vitor Roque Celebrates one of his goals

Technically, both are very gifted, but will owe to follow improving in his arrival to Spain. Roque Has quality and thanks to his power can leave some played of disequilibrium, but is not his strong and is inside the area where marks the difference with controls oriented polishings to generate occasions. Endrick, by his part, has more dribbling, desborde and in general more quality, but still leaves too many controls oriented 'dirty' was and inside the area that prevent him win a lot of advantages.

Endrick, faster and desequilibrante that Roque

Regarding the physicist of one and of another, both are privileged, but one more than theanother . The future player blaugrana is one 'rock', very strong to hold contacts, and with a big power in career, especially in the first metres. Endrick, by his part, although it is not so strong, bears well any crash thanks to his brutal inferior train, and in career is even more fast and powerful that Roque. The one of the Madrid is one 'bullet' in the started, but also in the long driving, something that could do him have more impact that his compatriot if it developed the rest of his qualities. With spaces the two can be decisive, but the one of the 'verdao' even more because of the incredible speed in long distances already commented.

Regarding the game without balloon, Vitor is a very aggressive forward in the desmarques and in the pressure, being always the first defence of his team. The goleador does not leave to throw desmarques, something that facilitates him a lot the work to his mates, and is a continuous nuisance for the rivals when it touches presionar. Here it is clearly upper to the of the Palmeiras, that although it also is a player to move a lot, is not so intelligent with his desmarques of split and generates less like this. Besides, in the pressure, in spite of that it can be annoying for the defences, is less impetuous and saves more for the attack that Roque.

Roque Is more done that an Endrick that follows something 'green'

All the commented is a form to understand also that the one of the Paranaense is right now more done that the one of the 'verdao'. The culé, in appearance, is more prepared for the requirement of a 'big' and of a distinct League like Spain, and could contribute more from his arrival. This will be vital for the Barcelona of face to the second half of the course and especially of face to the next, since it will need his goals, character and 'mordiente'. In the Madrid would not have to expect a so immediate impact, since Endrick seems something more 'green' and could need a longer period of adaptation, although in the football at all is written.

Endrick With the Palmeiras

Regarding the potential of one and of another, in spite of that it was something circunstancial, since there are a lot of footballers with extraordinary qualities that never approach to his potential maximum, it is necessary to say that the white forward seems to have more than the barcelonista. Vitor Has characteristics to be a '9' 'top' world-wide during all his career, something that would be exceptional for his team, but the 'ceiling' of the attacker merengue is greater. By attributes in the rough, if Endrick developed all what seems to have could be perhaps one of the best of the world. Nevertheless, it fits to say that the 'floor' current of Roque is greater and this could mark the difference in the first years of career of one and of another, especially if to the of the Palmeiras costs him the 'jump' to Europe.

Roque Has a lace in the Barça easier that the one of Endrick in Madrid

For what needs the FC Barcelona, the one of the Paranaense can be almost perfect. The Barcelona are lacking of greater mobility up and the already explained desmarques of split of the Brazilian could come of perlas. Although it could cost him play with fewer spaces and will have to show that it can adapt his qualities to the requirement of the Barça and of LaLiga, it is necessary to be optimistic with his lace by his character, his form to understand the football and by the own needs of the team, that definitely will facilitate him his acclimatisation.

It is necessary to stand out that Robert Lewandowski will follow splitting with almost total security like titling in the Barça 24/25, but his age and his pronounced 'bajón' in 2023 will do that Roque play a lot from at all more land. If the international by Brazil shows what already has showed in his country and the Pole is not fine, is possible even that Xavi Hernández finish giving him the alternative of start in quite a lot of meetings.

Roque In the meeting in front of the Flamengo

By his part, Endrick could have it more complicated that the Barcelona when it arrive in summer. In the first place, his role in the Madrid is still in the air, since it will depend to a large extent that the whites can fichar or no to Kylian Mbappé. If it arrives the French, the Brazilian will have a very secondary role, being acting usual and probably playing very few minutes in his first campaign. On a long-term basis this could be well, since it would grow to the shadow of other stars, without pressure and to his rhythm, but also could be hurtful because without minutes is much more difficult to adapt to a league and a new country and improve.

Endrick Could not being prepared for an important role

In case that the whites no fichen to the 'Turtle' and neither want to invest money in another big attacker, the Brazilian yes will have a more leading role from his first season. With a system like the current, with alone two forwards and Jude Bellingham in the mediapunta, the '9' of the Palmeiras will have to alternate with Vinicius and Rodrygo, titularísimos up. But if the madridistas went back to the, 4-3-3 usual of the last campaigns Endrick himself could be headline up, with his compatriots in the bands. It is something possible, although no very recommended taking into account that it will arrive with 18 recently fulfilled years and that it could not being prepared to face a challenge like that.

The letters already are on the table and now only is missing to expect and see the ones of which team finish winning. The Barcelona has bet a lot to Roque, the same that the Madrid to his compatriot. Both expect to have hit and that his youngster crashes dominate Europe during a lot of years. It could be a historical duel between one and another, leading to two eternal rival and competing each day for being better that theanother . Only the time will say who finish being better, although Vitor, that will arrive to the City Condal in January, will be able to begin to show it before.