It seems that each summer, and whenever the Barça moves in the market sudamericano, the figure of Wagner Ribeiro threatens in the shadows, expecting for "torpedear" any operation of the Barcelona entity. In this last case would treat of the midfield player Lucas Lima, one of the players to which represents beside the father of Neymar.
It does not be necessary to forget that Ribeiro did known in the actuality of the FC Barcelona when treating of the man that looked for by all the means the torpedear the signing of Neymar by the Barça. It wanted to carry it to the Real Madrid, and already in the picture blaugrana treated of malmeter and affirm that the player could pose go out. Something that denied in several occasions the father of "Ney".
The agent also prejudiced to the Catalan square recently when being the bridge between the Real Madrid and Vinicius Júnior to close his contracting. Wagner Explained it in "Fox Sports", by what the culés are warned.
Now it does of representative of Lucas Lima that already there would be fichado until thrice by the Barcelona in the last days, if we do case of the "gossip shops" of Brazil. The means of the country carry time speaking of this supposed operation that would finish with the player of twenty-seven years in the City Condal from the next one of January of 2018, totally free when finish agreement with the Saints.
Ribeiro Asked to Neymar that signed by the Madrid in 2015
Wagner Ribeiro Is of which thinks that the things (judicial) would have been totally different in case that 'Ney' there was fichado by the Real Madrid when it still was juvenile. The agent does not believe in the casualidades and inside the varied number of councils that gave two years ago to 'pope' Neymar, as they are to go to live to "one of the beaches of the Mediterranean", existed another in which it stood out that Neymar followed playing to the football in Europe some years more "preferably in the Real Madrid".
"It takes your money, carry it to tax havens, legally, of course. Of this form will leave to pay taxes in Brazil. It closes your companies, the Institute of Praia Big and enjoys the life in any of the beaches of the Mediterranean. You and his família. But it leaves to Neymar some years more in the football. That it finish the career in Europe, preferably in the Real Madrid", wrote Ribeiro in his profile of Instagram two years ago.