The Real Madrid is living an authentic day of party, since after the 4-0 in front of the Granada CF in the day 35 of LaLiga EA Sports, recently received the trophy of champion of the local contest. Still it remains them for contesting the final of the UEFA Champions League in front of the Borussia Dortmund, by what the combined merengue still has serious aspirations to attain a doublet this season. However, in Chamartín no everything is jubilation, since it approaches the closing of the campaign and, with this, the opening of the market of incorporations veraniego, what poses some cases for resolving for the Madrilenian cast.

In this sense, the recently topped champions of LaLiga have to decide what do with two of his historical players, Luka Modrić and Toni Kroos, two midfield players of elite. If it does not produce some movement by part of the managerial merengue, both players will leave to be part of the team after 12 and 10 seasons respectively dressing the white T-shirt the next 30 June. Until the moment, his continuity seems to have a lot of defenders and voices of support, but the club still does not have oficializado his renewal.

The continuity of Toni Kroos in the Real Madrid, a problem for Luka Modrić?

In principle, Carlo Ancelotti seems to want to that both players prolong his stay in the white picture. Likewise, so much the Croat like the German have left to glimpse that they also would wish to play a year more with the Real Madrid, something that the 'inflate' seem to wish fervientemente. Nevertheless, according to the journalist José Luis Sánchez, the continuity of both players would not be necessarily related.

According to this source, the contractual prolongation of Luka Modrić in the Real Madrid would be supeditada to a condition: the renewal of Toni Kroos. Sánchez asevera that if the germano accepts to renew with the white club, this would involve the exit of the Croatian. However, if exjugador of the Bayern Munich decides to leave, the continuity of Luka himself would be a more real option.

The combined merengue will have to take a complex decision

Now it will be necessary to expect to see which decision takes the Real Madrid, that predictably will not take any measure after the final of the UEFA Champions League. This is not a simple decision, since although no descarta the renewal of both players, in case to have to choose between one or another, does not seem to have a clear favourite.

Both have been key pieces in the centre of the field merengue this season, with a similar number of parties contested: (43 for Modric and 45 for Kroos), more than 2000 minutes in the terrain of game (2140 for Luka and 2935 for Toni), eight assistances each one during the season and only a difference of a goal (two for the Croat and one for the germano). With this stage, would not be an extrañeza that can be living a summer agitated around these two names 'weighed' in the history of the Real Madrid.