The FC Barcelona will have to achieve go back to the rule of the 1/1 for fichar or will have to sell to some star to generate margin salarial if it wants to buy to Nico Williams this summer. The Barcelona will not have any margin of manoeuvre with the extreme of the Athletic Club, as it has recognised openly his director of football, Mikel González. The Basque was very conclusive and ensured that the 'lions' do not go to negotiate the traspaso of the extreme: "The club that want to it knows that the Athletic does not negotiate. In this sense are very protected".

With these conclusive statements, the picture of Bilbao ratifies something that the Barça already suspected, and is that to do with the minor of Williams will be necessary to pay the more than 50 million euros that costs his clause of rescission. It does some weeks, in the City Condal had the hope to be able to negotiate a payment to fractionated, as it is used to to do in a lot of signings, but in this case goes to be impossible. The rojiblancos will not seat to speak and the only form of fichar to the international Spanish will be depositing the quantity mentioned in LaLiga of an alone time.

Mikel González also wanted to praise the commitment and the quality of Nico, that finish agreement this same summer and preferred to renew with an accessible clause for the 'big' of Europe, in place to leave entirely free to final of course. "It is a player of world-wide size and had the option to go free because had offers of the best teams of the world. It says a lot in favour of him that wanted to remain because it believes in the project", affirmed.

The Barça has to sell and reduce his Fair Play for fichar to Nico

The FC Barcelona, therefore, lost the opportunity of fichar to Williams free when it renewed does some months, and now if for real it wants to it will have to pay more than 50 'kilos'. In these moments, the barcelonistas do not have this money neither the margin salarial sufficient as to inscribe to the attacker. It touches to work from now to do some important sale, achieve that LaLiga of the seen well to go back to the rule of the 1/1 and of this way attain the money and the space that allow fichar to this young star.

In what yes it has confidence the Barça is in achieving an agreement with Nico, to the that see biased to leave the Athletic and mudarse to Barcelona. The international by Spain still has not decided it because it loves to the club, has a very special affection by the fans and the city, plays with his brother Iñaki, and leave all this backwards is a very difficult decision. Nevertheless, it knows that dress of Barcelona would suppose to give an important jump in his career and feels very tempted for that. As it believes , his "himself" will be relatively simple in spite of the doubts that has, and the most complicated will be to gather the money for ficharle.