The name of Estevão Willian 'Messinho' every time begins to echo with more strength in the international sportive panorama. The talentoso extreme right of hardly 17 years little by little is going back more determinant in the sportive project of the Palmeiras of Abel Ferreira, leaving clear why in his moment the FC Barcelona showed interest in ficharlo and why Chelsea finished making a big investment to ensure his services.

The one of Franca had again a flawless performance with the 'Verdãor' in the Brasileirãor, since in the crossing of the past Sunday 7 July against the Esporte Clube Bahia, this youngster 'jewel' had a direct participation in the two annotations that gave him the victory to his group. Estevão invoiceed the 1-0 almost when finalising the first-half, showing his wide fan of virtues when topping a fast counterattack. After receiving a long pass of Aníbal Moreno, adueñó of the balloon in the half field and made a swift 'galloped' until the rival area, where undid of his marker with a fast threaten and, using his skill with both profiles, took out a zurdazo very very placed leaving without options to the goalkeeper Marcos Felipe in spite of his big pulled.

Besides, his contribution in the 2-0, annotated by courtesy of Rony to the 61'. Estevão offered him to the '10' a very good pass from the right band, sending him a centre raso and precise to the heart of the area, surpassing like this to the defensive line and finding to the 'killer' of the area, the one who did not doubt in shooting with the right to concretise the so much that finished to seal the victory of the 'Verdãor'.

EstevãOr follow 'on fire' with the Palmeiras

With this performance in front of EC Bay, 'Messinho' follow accumulating merits to back his status of future player of elite. With this target, great his second consecutive commitment marking, after his so much against the Guild, where converted an authentic golazo when beating to Agustín Marchesín with a 'endiablado' finish of left-handed leg from out of the area. To his time, Estevão keeps the ascending rhythm that has had from the month of June, when with the Palmeiras attained to accumulate two annotations and two assistances in a total of six meetings in which it saw action.

It will be interesting to follow the path of this promising player, since although it had woken up the interest of the FC Barcelona and seemed that it was had to join to the Barcelona team, seems that the negotiations have stagnated because of economic questions related with the economic pretences of the Palmeiras to leave him go. These demands were difficult to assume for the combined Catalan, considering his financial situation and his relation complicated with the 'fair play' financial.

Chelsea had to disburse a total of 34 M€, more other 27,4 'kilos' in variables that could elevate the total cost of the operation to 61,5 M€. Equally, this transfer generated some contradiction in the sportive appearance, since in spite of the versatility of Estevão, that can play with soltura by all the offensive front, his main position is in the right band, where already finds Lamine Yamal.