FlorianWirtz Frimpong Zubimendi


Wirtz, Zubimendi and Frimpong: City wants to 'bitter' Barça in 2025

Published:12/06/2024 - 19:44h

Updated:13/06/2024 - 03:25h

Manchester City does not want to be left behind in its fight for all the titles in the coming years and is therefore already thinking about the summer of 2025, a moment that could be key for the future of the club, although visibly interfering with Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Pep Guardiola finish agreement with the Manchester City in June of 2025 and, after his last statements, many see it more was that inside. The Catalan is in a position in which it seems to be looking for a year of rest after almost a decade of work in the English team, what does that the 'citizens' are thinking in how could improve the staff, to the margin if the trainer follows or no.

"The reality is that I am more near to go me that to remain me. I will be here the next season, afterwards will speak, but carry eight or nine years here… will see", explained. It is thus that in the City look for to prepare for a stage in which Guardiola put end to his adventure. And in this case, have a 'plan' for fichar to some of the most sought-after players of the world that would affect directly to the FC Barcelona, as well as to other 'big'.

The Barça will be in front of a rival complicadísimo

And it is that as it informs 'Football Transfers', the City will look for to revolutionise his staff with two (or three) footballers of maximum level and that would give another jump of quality more to a group that right now for difficult to improve but that already has some names with an important age, as it is the case of Kevin Of Bruyne or Kyle Walker. It is thus that the English have aimed like priority the signings of Florian Wirtz and Martín Zubimendi, as well as of Jeremy Frimpong.

Although it seems a very complicated task for the City can take out to the two players of the Bayer Leverkusen and to the mediocentro of the Real Sociedad, his economic superiority allows them can dream with completing the three operations, being able to affect directly to a Barça that also has to his diary to all. The culés expect that, like minimum, can fichar to one of the three players mentioned, already was this summer or the next.

It is thus that the arrival to the 'career' of form so definite by part of the City would be a big problem for the culés, already was that finally Pep Guardiola leave or decide to continue. The information aims besides that the strategy of the City to achieve all these incorporations, and in passing solve the possible exit of Guardiola: fichar to Xabi Alonso. The club thinks that the arrival of the Spanish to the bench could facilitate a lot the operations by his past, and present, in both clubs.

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