Joan Laporta, presidente del FC Barcelona


Without important sales or 'top' signings: Laporta gives the keys to the Barça market

Published:4/06/2024 - 21:42h

Updated:5/06/2024 - 09:36h

FC Barcelona will have many questions to resolve in the next summer transfer market. Joan Laporta, in an interview, expressed the prospects of the Barça club in terms of incorporations and departures in this summer window, although without revealing too much

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The maximum institutional representative of the FC Barcelona, his president, Joan Laporta, did not doubt in expressing his perspective on how will be the market of incorporations of the Barcelona picture of face to the season 2024/25. In an extensive interview with the platform of the club, 'Barça One', the mandator soltó more than a testimony revelador on this subject.

Laporta Expressed his perspective on the mejoría of the economy of the club

'Jan' allowed speak on the current situation of the team in relation with the necessary economic improvement to compete with the big of Europe by incorporations 'top'. "We are in a travesía of the desert and already said that it would not be easy the way, the love of the partners and fans in this time has a lot of merit, but are about to to have some positive economic results and to have the 1-1 to be able to attend to the market", limited.

To his time, Laporta allowed give an excellent news in relation with the subject of the signings, descartando the need to sell to a star of the team to reach the so longed for financial balance. "It is not necessary in this moment. There is an incumplimiento of one of the partners that went to ingresar, but if we resolve it, will fulfil with the fair play financial. There are operations that are increasing our income by sponsorship. Therefore I value so much the confidence and patience of the fans, those who have comprised the importance of the responsibility that are assuming. We have done an effort, have resisted and now are near to attain the stability. We do not precipitate us now", it added.

'Jan' also exposed how could be the market veraniego for the FC Barcelona

In another order of ideas, 'Jan' has offered a 'X-ray' of what probably will be the market of signings of summer for the combined Barcelona, in which it does not expect that there is big low. However, neither they expect incorporations rimbombantes. "The positions to reinforce are studying them with Flick. In the pivote, with Christensen the team took another dimension, but is a position in which perhaps it does fault that incorporate another footballer. In the quarry have to Marc Casadó, that has done an extraordinary season. We do not speak of players, speak of positions. The same that we do not need to do a big sale, neither think that need big signings. Perhaps a mediocentro, perhaps a player of band, but also have in the quarry footballers that can occupy these positions", commented.

Besides, Laporta also confirmed the continuity of Robert Lewandowski in the Barça of face to the next course, arguing the fact that it can be a key man in the 'was Flick'. "It is motivated, has said that no to offers of Arabia and did not want to go because it is to taste in the country. Flick Has to understand it to take out maximum performance", signalled.

The permanence of the Joaos in the Barça and the future of Vitor Roque

Now, the president of the club culé did not doubt in aseverar that the FC Barcelona will try to prolong the permanence of Joãor Félix and Joãor Cancel in the club for the next year, leaving in clear that the sportive director of the Catalan team already is working in this. "We want that the Joaos continue. Deco Is working so that they follow another season in the current conditions. Flick Considers that they are players of a lot of quality and when it trained to the Bayern already tried to incorporate to Joãor Félix. I think that it could them have taken out more performance, because has an extraordinary quality", argued.

To close, the Catalan lawyer did not doubt in speaking in brief of the situation of Vitor Roque, commenting the options that has 'Tigrinho' to remain in the staff of face to the course 2024/25. This after the exit of the '19' of the Barcelonan picture was given almost like a fact in the last weeks. "Have to Vitor Roque, that was foreseen that it came to final of season and already knows the surroundings", concluded.