In spite of the problems that has faced the FC Barcelona in his last two seasons when remaining deleted in the phase of groups of the League of Champions, the directive follows trusting fully in the project of Xavi Hernández, the one who arrived around the middle of November of 2021 after the resignation of Ronald Koeman and a brief period of interinato by part of Sergi Barjuan. For the current course, the big aim keeps on being LaLiga.
Xavi, conscious of the importance of the results
When being tackled recently by the press, the Barcelona trainer has manifested to feel happy with the expressed by the president, when ratifying the confidence in his project. Nevertheless, to the moment to be consulted on if it would renew or no, has limited to say "The presi is a 'crack'". Although it has not given a concrete answer, treats of a gesture tranquilizador for the fans, even although to lose the title of League have to combine a lot of factors.
These words were collected shortly before a comparencia of the míster in the City council of Tarrasa. During his address reiterated that the Barça keeps on being the most difficult team to direct in the world and also has referred to an eventual renewal: "I Have been all my life in the Barça. The Barça is my life, to the equal that Tarrasa. But at the end it depends on the results. Here it does not cost to win, it is necessary to convince, subject on the contrary, show a superiority that nowadays in the sport of elite is very difficult. I do not need the recognition, but the Barça win".
The egarense also has referred to the possible movements of the Barcelona of face at the end of season, although it recognises that it treats of something complicated, taking in account the economic limitations that confronts the instirución: "Always there are changes at the end of the course. This goes of performance. But also there is a subject of 'fair play'. The club is in a difficult economic situation to manage. We will try to reinforce the team of the best way. The Barça is doing a general reconstruction and, in the part that touches me, sportive".
Regarding the title of LaLiga, that still does not take for granted, sustains that the Real Madrid is the favourite for having been the last victorious of the tournament, something that repeats in any sport: "Have a team in reconstruction, that is winning and that already has won him to the favourite, but have to win the titles to feel us, somehow, more winning".
The words of Laporta
In the middle of a colloquium organised by the Circle Ecuestre, the jerarca Barcelona has reiterated his vote of confidence to the egarense, indicating that even in case to produce a catastrophe that leave to the Barça without LaLiga, will be renewed: "Already I have posed it to me, although it do not win LaLiga. I have said it to him to Xavi, but he insists in that if we do not win... No, I want to give him a message of tranquility".
Between the reasons of Laporta to extend his contractual relation with the Barça, sustains that it treats of somebody that knows the style and the philosophy of game and that does not exceed with his requirements to conform the project: "It Is necessary to renew him because it played it to him, knows the house and defends the genuine style of the Barça. It does not do you pull more the arm that the sleeve. It does not ask us madnesses and comprises the situation of the club. In fact, already I have posed it to me. It had not commented it with my mates, but is like this".