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Xavi Simons could go back to the FC Barcelona if it does not renew with the PSG

Published:28/10/2020 - 12:45h

Updated:29/10/2020 - 16:08h

After his controversial exit of the club blaugrana, Xavi Simons, one of the exjugadores more mediáticos of the quarry of the Barça, could return to Barcelona if it does not renew with the PSG

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Simons was the protagonist of one of the exits more mediáticas of a player of the quarry blaugrana. The hopes that had put in the Dutch player of 'The Farm' were so big that was a disappointment see as it left to Paris Saint-Germain, by a cuantiosa quantity of money. At present the footballer has agreement with the Parisian club until 2022.

As it informs the media 'Le10sport.com', the entity barcelonista would be replanteando the return of Xavi Simons to the discipline of the Barça. Leave escape to a so promising talent was a grave error and his repechage would be, obviously, a tarpaulin. Everything remains subject to the decision of the jovencísimo player, that could not renewing with the French.

Move away of Barcelona also was a mistaken decision by part of the own player and of his surroundings. The international sub-17 with Holland, left in search of minutes, anxious for achieving a precocious projection that carried it to play with the best. In spite of having debuted with the first team, the midfield player could have percatado of his error.

Obviously, the intention of the club is the one to achieve his renewal and follow trusting one of his big bets of future, beside Edouard Michut, of 17 years. Nevertheless, it seems that the renewal is not the priority of the exfutbolista of the team blaugrana that still sees very far next summer of 2022, in which it will take a decision that could change him the life.

The future of Xavi Simons is in the air

As it was to expect, the group barcelonista is not the only interested in doing with his services, once finish his agreement. As it commented in 'Here We Go Podcast' the journalist Fabrizio Romano, several teams of the Premier League would be interested in his signing, in addition to the FC Barcelona, that follows dreaming with his return.